Copyright © gentle fitness

What is it...

          Gentle Fitness is a holistic program in every sense of the word. It was developed to address the physical, psychological and emotional needs of viewers.​  Using the wisdom of the ancient healing arts of Yoga and T'ai Chi, Gentle Fitness is not perky, peppy, or patronizing. 

          Therapeutic, peaceful and smart, the body mechanics are cued for maximum health benefits and safety. Using state-of-the-art exercise kinesiology and exercise physiology, the program leads viewers through 113 whole mind/whole body movements and stretches that will 

  • Strengthen Inner Core Muscles
  • Oxygenate the Blood
  • Deepen Respiration
  • Invigorate the Immune and Lymphatic systems
  • Mobilize Stiff Muscles
  • Alleviate Pain

The Gentle Fitness Class

          There is magic in the 17 people in the program with me.  They are people with infectious smiles. They, like all of us, have been through fear and pain and loneliness. Every one of them has come out on the other side ready to smile and live with a positive focus as much as they possibly can.  Gentle Fitness really is easy-to-follow movements and stretches. They easily move one to the next. Home viewer participants will enjoy the smiles, the music, the beauty of the graphics and inspirational panels that tick along through the 6-exercise routines, and educational sets that complete the 90-minute program. 

Who I am...

​          It is 2023.  I have lived with multiple sclerosis (MS) since I was 19, I am 79 now.  After a rough decade from my age 35 to 45, I wanted to explore the making of a short video that people could use at home. I am a teacher. I wanted to share skills I had used to help me manage and mature in the face of when multiple sclerosis wanted to have it's way with me! I made Gentle Fitness from that life experience .. and from my love of teaching. 

Making Gentle Fitness

    Making Gentle Fitness has been a challenge. The expense and commitment for a project of this kind was more intense than I could have ever imagined! Having been able to complete a program with the integrity and life of this video-turned-DVD has kept me going, long after I thought I couldn't.  
     I have heartfelt gratefulness to more people than can be named in this space. At the close of Gentle Fitness I am proud to list each Class Member and each Medical Advisor as they are introduced in the inspiring Meet the Participants  and named in Advisory Board. 

Reviews and Awards

​          People from four corners of the globe have told me in their letters and phone calls, that Gentle Fitness gives them dignity, calm, and comfort. They tell me, in glowing words, how the movements and stretches help them feel better! And they just know they've are doing something smart for themselves.  I have never published some of those reviews. I will ad them to this website soon. They are too good to keep to myself.
           It has won awards over the years. 
One was the American Medical Association's Freddie Award for its International Health and Medical Film Competition. The prestigious Freddie is the 'Oscar', the highest honor for a health-related film on any subject. The mission of the FREDDIE Awards is to provide encouragement and acknowledgment to the producers of health and medical  media. These accomplishments benefit people all over the world from the knowledge they share.

          Gentle Fitness joined the luminous ranks of winners of the Freddie including Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill and Melinda Gates, Christopher Reeves, Marlo Thomas, Jerry Lewis, Jack LaLanne, Magic Johnson, Mary Tyler Moore, Doctors Without Borders, Jonas Salk, M.D., John Glenn, Bob and Elizabeth Dole, Magic Johnson and others  
​    The year Gentle Fitness won, the 2nd place award went to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). The 3rd place award went to Kaiser-Permanente, the nation's largest HMO (Health Maintenance Organization)  Did I say I was proud? I really am.

World Wide Use
      The program is used by people in countries around the world - many wearing oout their original VCR videos and gratefully purchasing the better technology of the DVD.  People in their own homes keep using and sharing their DVD.  An exercise program that sits on the shelf does no good.  Community and senior centers, hospital wellness centers and special homes keep Gentle Fitness on their schedules, without pause, year after year!  

Ending Sales
          Sales continued for 25 years. Gentle Fitness sold a large volume through the Mayo Store at Rochester's Mayo Clinic. Sales went through other hospitals and rehab clinics.  QVC  and online sales included Amazon and other outlets.  

          Reproduction of the Gentle Fitness DVD and the printing of it's 20-page Guide to Exercise ceased in 2017.

Newly available free on YouTube

          Each piece of the entire program is being refreshed. Gentle Fitness will soon be available to anyone with the internet, access to the free version of YouTube, and a computer (or smart phone) will be able to use and benefit from the part(s) they like wherever and whenever they wish.

 History of Gentle fitness

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